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Modi Administration Fixing Indian History: The University Grants Commission has drafted a new curriculum for the undergraduate course in History - An Interview with Dr. Rashmi Pant

28 March 2021

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CURRICULUM IN QUESTION: An Interview with Dr. Rashmi Pant

The University Grants Commission published a new draft curriculum for the undergraduate course in History. The new proposed curriculum has been under much scrutiny by academia- teachers and scholars of history alike. The UGC attempted a “corrective†, and the new syllabus sees veritable alteration from the present curriculum. Apart from structural changes of papers, there is heavy omittance of topics that have been core to the present curriculum.

Dr. Rashmi Pant is an Associate Professor at the Department of History, Indraprastha College for Women (IPCW), University of Delhi. COEUS reached out to Dr. Pant for her comments on the new curriculum.

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