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Religious militants have fiercely turned upon their former tutors from the Pakistani Army

7 July 2011

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Pervez Hoodbhoy in The Economic and Political Weekly:

Super-charged and locally bred religious militants in Pakistan have fiercely turned upon their former tutors. The military is now haemorrhaging from these unrelenting attacks. As violence grows, pessimism and despondency have permeated the intelligentsia, prompting a flight out of the country. Pakistan must realise that it is in deep peril because of its past policies. It needs to overcome its unrelenting hatred of India, leave Kashmir as a problem to be solved by the Kashmiris, concentrate upon improving governance and deal politically with the Baluchistan situation. India, through its confrontational policies with Pakistan, shares some responsibility for the present tragic state of affairs. It is therefore incumbent upon India to help Pakistan overcome its difficulties or, at any rate, to refrain from adding to them; this is in India’s self-interest.

[see full text PDF below]

Pakistan’s Army: Divided It Stands
by Pervez Hoodbhoy
in: The Economic and Political Weekly
VOL 46 No. 26 and 27 June 25 - July 08, 2011